Direct Deposit Time
Whether you’re familiar with ACH or some of its more common names — Direct Deposit, Direct Payment, direct debit, electronic funds transfer (EFT), or an electronic check (eCheck) — you’re already benefiting from its speed, security and ease of use.
Using direct deposit is a safer and more efficient way to send and receive money electronically since the money goes straight from the issuer into your bank account, reducing the amount of time and people needed to process the transaction. Direct deposit also saves you money. It costs the nation’s taxpayers more than $1 for every paper refund check issued, but only a dime for each direct deposit made. The federal tax refund is often the largest single check many people receive. It’s an opportune time to start or add to your savings.
When you wake up on payday and see your pay deposited in your account at your financial institution.
When you receive your tax return or Social Security benefit.
When your car loan is paid automatically every month.
That's ACH.
The ACH Network electronically moves money and information from any U.S. bank account to another cost-effectively and securely. ACH payments are everywhere!
Nacha oversees the ACH Network, setting and enforcing strict rules that protect your ACH payments and financial information.
With ACH, personal information is more secure.
Because your money is transferred electronically it is encrypted with bank level encryption, this protects your account, routing number, and other personal information from being compromised.
With ACH, payments are processed fast.
Virtually all regular ACH payments – except those scheduled for a future date or expedited for the Same Day – are settled no later than the next banking day.
Direct Deposit

Tell your employer you’d like to be paid electronically with Direct Deposit.
Your employer will provide you a simple form that authorizes electronic deposits into your checking and/or savings accounts. We recommend both with Split Deposit.
Once the authorization form is finalized, your employer will tell you when to expect to start receiving your pay electronically.
Avoid fees and access your money quickly with Direct Deposit.
With Direct Deposit, electronic payments are made directly into your bank account — there’s no check, and no trip to the bank. It’s just a predictable way of receiving money, and a more convenient way of benefiting from digital tools and money management apps that can help you budget.
Direct Deposit can be used for receiving:
- Wages
- Travel and expense reimbursements
- Pension/401(k) disbursements
- Annuities
- Dividend and interest payments
- Social Security and other government payments
- Tax and other refunds
Direct Deposit is the way 93% of American workers get paid, and 95% of workers are very satisfied with it.
Save every time you get paid with Split Deposit.
Split Deposit allows you to direct a fixed amount or percentage of your pay into a savings or investment account each pay period. You’ll save automatically every time you get paid, and it’s free! Ask your employer if you’re not already using Split Deposit.
Direct Payment
How to use Direct Payment:
- Sign up with companies that send you bills by contacting them directly or logging on to their websites, or
- Use your financial institution’s online banking website or mobile app to make or schedule Direct Payment
Control when you pay your bills with Direct Payment.
With Direct Payment, you can pay for nearly anything electronically.
Direct Deposit Time Frame
It’s a no-touch, environmentally friendly way to use your checking or savings account to:
- Pay your monthly bills
- Donate to your favorite charity
- Send money to a friend
- Fund an investment account
- Pay businesses for their products and services
- Make insurance, tax and homeowner association (HOA) payments
- Pay your tuition
- Automatically pay your mortgage, automobile payments, and other loans
With recurring payments, just set it and forget it.
With Direct Payment, you can eliminate the worry of whether or not your check will arrive on time by setting up a recurring payment for things like student loans or mortgage payments.
Employers: Ready to set up ACH Payments?
Share info about Direct Deposit.

Still Curious?
Key Bank Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Direct Deposit Questions
Key2Benefits Prepaid Mastercard Questions
General Questions
1. How do I make a payment choice?
You can make a payment choice or change your current choice by logging in to Uplink Claimant Self Service (CSS). Once on CSS, click your name at the top left of the screen and choose Payment Election from the dropdown menu to start the process. You will then be able to link to KeyBank’s secure payment election portal.

2. What are my choices?
DWD provides you with the ability to choose between the following two options:
- Direct Deposit to a U.S. checking or savings account, or
- Key2Benefits prepaid Mastercard.
3. What happens if I don’t make a choice?
You will receive a Key2Benefits prepaid Mastercard at the mailing address on file for you on CSS.
4. Can I go into a KeyBank branch for assistance with my payment election, if I have questions with my unemployment insurance payment or if I’m having problems with my Key2Benefits card?

No. KeyBank branch staff members are unable to assist with any inquiries dealing with the UI program. The KeyBank branch team can help with opening a new KeyBank account or they can provide guidance on financial wellness initiatives and products such as savings accounts, mortgages and debt consolidation. If you have questions, contact one of the following:
- Questions regarding your Key2Benefits prepaid Mastercard: call KeyBank at 1-833-459-3452
- Questions regarding your Unemployment Insurance Claim: visit your claimant homepage or reach us via our Contact page.
5. How long does it take to receive payment in my bank account or on my Key2Benefits card after I see the payment on my Uplink CSS Claimant Homepage?
Even if your Uplink CSS Claimant Homepage indicates a payment, it can take until 2pm for funds to appear in your bank account or on your Key2Benefits card. If you have selected a Key2Benefits card, you can go to at any time to sign up for free alerts to notify you when a payments occur. If you not received funding on your card by 2 pm, you can call 1-833-459-3452 for guidance. If you signed up for direct deposit, you will need to contact your bank with questions.
6. Can I review or change my payment election choice?
You can review your choice on KeyBank’s portal. You can access this portal by logging into CSS, clicking your name at the top left of the screen and choosing Payment Election from the dropdown menu. From there you will be able to link to KeyBank’s secure payment election portal.
7. Is DWD collecting my banking information?
No, DWD is not collecting any banking information. When you click on the “Make or Change My Election” link, you will be securely taken to KeyBank’s payment portal.
8. Why did I get a letter in the mail about DWD owing me money?
There are several reasons that a person might receive a notice about DWD distributing more money to a claimant than originally received. Some of these reasons are correction of a reporting error by the claimant or employer or over-collection of a benefit overpayment. Your CSS homepage is the best source of information about the specific reason that you received a letter from DWD about an additional payment.
9. Do I get charged if I contact KeyBank?
No. KeyBank provides unlimited access to service channels, computerized call response (IVR), customer service and the online portal without any fees.
10. Who do I contact if I think someone else is accessing my bank account or Key2Benefits prepaid Mastercard?
If someone is accessing your bank account, report the issue to your bank. If someone is accessing your debit card, report the activity to the Key2Benefits customer service center at 1-833-459-3452.
Direct Deposit Questions
11. I changed bank accounts, now what happens?
If you have chosen direct deposit as your payment method, you must provide this information to KeyBank so that your UI benefits continue to be directly deposited. Log into CSS and choose Payment Election to link to KeyBank’s secure payment election portal. If you changed banks and did not update your account information, your old bank will return the payment to KeyBank. If you have updated your election and provided your new bank information, the payment will be sent to your new bank when your old bank returns the money. If KeyBank does not have your correct bank information, or if you no longer want direct deposit, your money will be placed on a Key2Benefits prepaid Mastercard when your old bank returns the money.
12. If I select direct deposit, how soon will my benefits be available?
Your money will be deposited in the bank account you provide within two business days of the claim voucher being approved.
13. If I select direct deposit, will I receive a card in the mail too?
You will not receive a card in the mail if you timely select direct deposit.
Key2Benefits Prepaid Mastercard Questions
14. If I select a Key2Benefits prepaid card, when will I get my card?
If you elect a Key2Benefits card, the card will be mailed by regular first class mail two business days after you make the election. Please allow 7-10 days for mail time. The card will not be funded yet when you receive it as it typically takes DWD 21 to review and approve an unemployment insurance benefits claim. If you have not received the card, you can check the status on, click on “Check Your New Unemployment Card Status Here.”
15. Can I request the card by next day (2-day) mail?
You can request an expedited replacement card, but there is a $15 fee. To prevent needing this service, be sure to keep your address updated in CSS at all times.
16. What happens to my debit card if it is mailed to the wrong address?
Please keep your address updated in CSS to prevent this from happening. If the card is returned to KeyBank, it will be destroyed. A new card will be issued after you update your address in CSS. Once your address change has been processed, please contact Key2Benefits customer service center at 1-833-459-3452 to request a replacement card.
17. Will I get an alert when a deposit is made on my Key2Benefits card?
Yes. Deposit notification alerts are available. When you receive your card, you will need to create a login to the KeyBank cardholder website at Once logged in, you will be able to choose various alerts that can be sent by email or text message.
18. Where is the nearest ATM to me (How do I find the nearest ATM)?
The Key2Benefits prepaid card is Mastercard branded and will be accepted at any ATM where Mastercard is accepted. KeyBank provides both fee free and surcharge free access at KeyBank ATM and Allpoint ATM locations as part of our in-network offering. While your card will work at other ATMs, fees and surcharges may be applied. You can use the ATM locators below to find the nearest ATM location for free access to your funds.
KeyBank ATM Locator:
Allpoint ATM Locator:
19. What fees are charged on the new card?
Fee Information: Short Form Long Form
20. Did the fees increase when DWD changed cards?
No. The Key2Benefits prepaid Mastercard has fewer fees than the prior Blue card.
21. How do I report a lost or stolen card?
Please call the Key2Benefits customer service center toll-free at 1-833-459-3452 to report a lost or stolen card.
22. Is there a website where I can manage my new card?
Yes. You can manage your card online at
23. How long is the Key2Benefits prepaid card good for? (Expiration date)
The Key2Benefits card is good for 3 years from the issue date.
24. Why was there no money loaded on my debit card when I received it? What should I do?
If you elect to be paid on a debit card, you will receive the card in anticipation of your claim being approved. If your claim is not approved, the card will never have money loaded onto it. You do not need to do anything if this happens.
25. If I lose my card can I go into a KeyBank branch to order a replacement card?
No. Replacements cards must be requested through customer service at the toll-free number 1-833-459-3452.
26. How do I set up a PIN for my new Key2Benefits card?
Instructions for the PIN comes on every card carrier attached to the stored value card. Whether it is a new or replacement card, you will need to complete 3 steps. You must activate the card, establish a PIN and sign the card before use. NOTE: you must set a PIN on activation as the card does not come with a preset PIN.
27. What if I do not remember my PIN and I lock my card?
If your PIN is locked, you should call 1-833-459-3452 or go to to reset the PIN. You should not call a local KeyBank branch as they will be unable to assist with this PIN reset request. NOTE: If the PIN is locked, the card can still be used. You can make swipe/dip purchases as credit, do online transfers or make bill payments through
28. Do I need to use my PIN to use my card?
Direct Deposit Time Chase
No, you can make swipe/dip purchases as credit, do online transfers or make bill payments through
Irs Direct Deposit Time
29. What do I do if I still have questions about my Key2Benefits card?
Additional FAQ’s about the Key2Benefits program can be found at: